Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thing #6 Creating & Editing Documents

I installed the app Quickoffice which allows you to create and edit Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets and presentations, then saves everything via your Google account. I think this will be useful in order to access work from either a mobile device or computer workstation.
Perhaps the most useful part of this app is the pdf file for getting started. It told me everything I need to know about creating or moving files and folders, deleting or emailing files, and much more.
The biggest stumbling block I can envision with using Quickoffice is the fact that all my work documents are stored on the server at my employer. We do not use Google Docs, and therefore I would need to remember to upload files, and later download and re-save newer versions. This could get complicated!
However, for personal use I have started to use Google + for photo sharing, documents, spreadsheets... It seems to be an easy transition to Google Drive.

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